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A Historic Occasion

"The time was right for the creation of a stake in California and the momentous event would take place on 21 January 1923, announced President Heber J. Grant! The first stake in the Church in a major metropolitan area, and one of the first outside the Intermountain area."

Therefore on "Sunday morning, 21 January 1923, a beautiful Southern California day as the Saints gathered at the Adams chapel for a historic occasion. A sense of excitement pervaded the Mormon community and the anticipation of the large number that would attend the Conference."

Over three thousand were in attendance for the two sessions of conference, the Adams Ward building was filled to overflowing. Even the balcony was fully packed, and overflow meetings for the sessions in the recreation hall.

President Heber J. Grant presided over and conducted all the sessions of the conference. Music was provided by the 110-voice Young People's Chorus under the direction of William Salt and accompanied by Louise Smith and Alexander Schreiner (a missionary assigned to the area)". {Excerpts from The Los Angeles Story, "More Faith Than Fear"}

It was announced to the audience assembled they were called for a very important and exalted purpose, made necessary by the growth of the Church in this part of God's vineyard, to organize a stake of Zion. This would gladden the hearts of the people as it will give them great opportunities in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the activities of a stake and ward organization to strengthen families and share the Gospel.

Image: Adams Ward Building

-Loui Keeney, Los Angeles Stake History Specialist


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